Since I have several rooms with multicolour I will have a “VIOLET ROOM MAKE OVER”.
Here is some pictures from the room last night.
I will try to keep Pantons early works from the 50:ies and the 60:ies in this room and keep the multicolour and pieces from the 70:ies in other rooms.
More older pieces are coming soon and I will promise to show you pictures when they come.
If you have any PLUS LINJE furnitures, GEOMETRI carpets, older fabrics or other older stuff from VERNER PANTON, please let me know.
I will pay you good for pieces I don´t have. I especially look for small enamel panels, like the green one I have in the table.
Because of lack of space, I will probably also sell six turquise wall panels in very good condition and a dining table for the Pantonova wire system (black wire) with a glas plate.