I buy all kinds of Verner Panton objects. It may be lamps, fabrics, carpets or other objects thas has to do with Verner Panton´s design. If you have any items you think is designed by Verner Panton don´t hesitate to send me an email: niklas@pantonworld.com
I am a private collector and not a dealer so you can be sure I pay the best prices for items I don´t have in the collection. I especially look for Ball and Spiral lamps together with different enamel pieces but anything that has to do with Verner Panton is interesting to me. Even stories!
Thank you and best regards from Pantonworld / Niklas
Ich kaufe Objekte, entworfen von Verner Panton. Es können Lampen, Stoffe, Teppiche oder andere Objekte sein.
Wenn Sie Artikel von Verner Panton zu verkaufen haben, zögern Sie nicht mich zu kontaktieren, selbst wenn Sie unsicher sind, ob der Entwurf tatsächlich von Panton ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen, Niklas
Jeg køber objekter designet af Verner Panton.
Det kan være lamper, tekstiler, tæpper eller noget andet.
Hvis du har objekt, du ved eller tror, er designet af Verner Panton, tøv ikke med at kontakte mig!
Med venlig hilsen Niklas
Jag köper föremål designade av Verner Panton.
Det kan vara lampor, tyger, mattor eller andra objekt.
Om du har föremål du vet eller tror är gjorda av Verner Panton så tveka inte att höra av dig.
Med vänliga hälsningar Niklas
J’achète des objets dessinés par Verner Panton.
Cela peut être des lampes, des tissus, des tapis ou autre chose.
Si vous pensez être en possession d’articles qui ont été conçus par Verner
Panton, n’hésitez pas à me contacter!
Cordialement Niklas
Niklas (ニクラス)
© Copyright Pantonworld 2024.
Hi – I LOVE and respect your collection. Thanks for sharing it with the world :) I’m curious if you know anyone with any romantica rugs for sale? I’m new to learning about Panton and very much fallen in love with his beautiful work.
Hi I have started collecting verner panton I am in New Zealand and its very differcult to get here, I have to import. I recently bought 6 chairs vitra could you tell me the age by the product code?
813 083
Hi Jason,
Unfortunatelly I don´t know that. I mostly collect first versions or prototypes myself but maybe Vitra could help you with that.
Best regards Niklas
A number of years back, I purchased a red Spiegel lamp from you. Your neighbours delivered it to me in Germany. I enjoy it very much. Turns out I have the perfect place for a second one. I was wondering if you had one available for sale. Colour is less important. I do not want one in brushed aluminium though. I particularly like the red ring lamps. Please let me know if you are willing to sell one of these lamps (either Spiegel or Ring).
I look forward to hearing from you-
All the best,
Hi Niklas, you have an amazing collection. I have 3 lamps from Verner Panton from the VP Europe (floor lamp, desk lamp (small) and the living room lamp). If you’re interested please let me know. Kind regards, Collin
I have what I believe is a rare clear version of the
Verner Panton
Fruit bowl
Dansk Acryl Teknik
I am unable to locate this color version and interested in finding it a new home. Thank you.
Hi! I have Panton SP3 light and need some spare parts. Do you have any?
Short – Long = 1 – 4
1 x 8
2 x 3
Kind regards
can you tell me what is the best way to clean yellowed shell plates on a Fun lamp?
Thank you very much
I would have removed the strings from the frame and then carefully used a mix of water and hand dishwashing liquid. When they are yellow, it´s usally nicotine wich goes of quite good. Don´t use chemicals for crystal lamps etc. It might make the rings black. Good luck!