Some new pics from the AUBERGINE ROOM. The WIRELAMP is original from Lüber. It comes with orange, yellow, white and brown shade. The grey PANTONAEF RHINO is a new familly member. At last I made the blue ANATOMIE EYE frame. The ANATOMIE series is one of Verners coolest fabrics if you ask me. […]
The kids just got a new curtain in their yellow room. A nice PANTONAEF fabric with boats, trucks and cars. Looks pretty cool when the sun goes through!
I have updated the PANTONWORLD with some new rooms. You now find the different rooms under MY ROOMS — TOP FLOOR / GROUND FLOOR / BASEMENT… The PINK ROOM is totally new. Here you can see some nice objects: A large and rare FUN 14 DM, two wall lamps called FUN 1 WM, ANATOMIE LIP […]
This PANTONAEF CLOWN contains over 2988 pieces of plastic frames, 590 plates in different colours and a lot of small clips to keep every piece together… It measures 165 cm high and 120 centimeter wide… I hope it stays on the wall! Otherwise I would have nearly 5 000 pieces on the floor… The nose […]
My new PANTONAEF CLOWN under construction…
… CLOWN! It is very big… Each plate is 6 centimers wide. Verner designed this toy for the Swiss toy-company “NAEF” in 1975. I have not desided the plates for it yet but you will see it soon!
The start of… my VERNER PANTON fan-site!
Welcome to my Verner Panton collection! I will here show you pictures of my collection and the rooms we live in. It is a constantly changing project. This is my tribute to the fantastic designer and architect Verner Panton. I will constantly fill it with more pictures from my collection but it takes some times […]