I have not re-painted the AUBERGINE ROOM yet.
It will probably take some time before that happends but I have tried a little bit with the “mysterious sofa” I founded
some weeks ago. It has original aubergine MIRA-X fabric on, it reminds very much about the PANTONOVA SOFA
but it does not exactly look lika a PANTON-design anyway.
I have asked the interior-designer that putted the sofa in the “Panton room” it came from, if he knows anything about it.
He doesn´t remember it since he made over 666 different interior design… Ahhh!
Well, it fits in good since almost everything now are in aubergine colour. And the fabric is the same as in the 3-D CARPET.
The two red SPIEGEL LAMPS are also up on the wall. They are fantastic when it is dark!
I moved the PANTONAEF “ADAM AND EVE” to behind the thin aubergine curtians.
Now it looks like a “perverted man” stands there… ;) The figures are over 220 cm tall…
You can see some more new pics in the AUBERGINE ROOM.