Around 1975, Verner Panton designed a toy system similar to LEGO but with frames and plates. He financed it himself and made several tests before he introduced it to Kurt Naef. Kurt was a swiss toy maker known for high quality toys in wood. Together they launced the new toy system called Pantonaef around 1979. They were clearly ahead of their time and Kurt described the project as the biggest misstake ever. People were more interested in wood pieces but nowerdays, these plastic toy system are highly wanted by collectors.
Here you can seeĀ the different plates and figures in my collection. I have really tried to find all the possible colours ever made. The basic six colours that were sold in stores were a light and dark version of: red, blue and grey. So far I have founded about 30 different prototypes colours / shades. Most of these are very rare prototypes that comes from Verner himself for the first pre-series from 1975. Some prototype plates have even coloured leather pieces glued to them.
If you have any questions about the Pantonaef toy system, please send me an email:
Design: Clown
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates + prototype plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Cow
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Rabbit
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Built out of new old stock boxes with Pantonaef plates and frames.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Kurt Naef.
Design: Couple
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates. Also prototype plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Owl
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Checkers Panel
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Duck
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Giraffe
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates. Also from prototype plates
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Camel
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Rhino
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Crocodile
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Flamingo
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Formation from Kurt Naef book
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Model from a book about the Swiss company Naef. Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Design: Bus
Year: ca 1979
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Year: ca 1975-79
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Piece made out of new old stock boxes of Pantonaef plates. Also with prototype plates.
Provinance: Panton Design Office and Naef.
Prototype pre-serie tests
Year: 1978
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Tests for making the Pantonaef toy system 1978. Several boxes with dated notes how to mix the material when making them.
Provinance: Co-worker at Panton Design office
Prototype Plates in chrome
Year: ca 1975-78
Colour: Silver
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: 2 chromed prototype plates from the first pre-series. As far as I know, the only two remaining pieces of the chromed plates.
Provinance: Kurt Naef
Pre-series prototype plates
Year: 1978
Colour: different
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Pre-series prototype plates for the Pantonaef toy system.
Provinance: Panton Design Office.
Prototype plates with leather cover
Year: ca 1975-79
Colour: Multicolour
Material: Plastic / leather
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office from ca 1975, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: One-off prototypes. Leather covered plates from the first pre-series.
Provinance: Kurt Naef
Standard set of boxes, instructions, plates and frames
Year: 1979
Colour: Dark blue, light blue, dark red, light red, dark grey, light grey
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Naef
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: The standard Pantonaef sets that was serial produced by Naef. New old stocks
Provinance: Kurt Naef.
Printed plate
Year: 1979
Colour: Light grey/black
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Naef
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Printed plates with the manufacturers name and logo.
Provinance: Kurt Naef.
Merchandise and commersial products
Year: 1979
Colour: different
Material: Paper
Manufacturer: Verner Panton Design Office, Kurt Naef from 1979
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Merchandise and commercial products for selling the Pantonaef system
Provinance: Kurt Naef
Later chromed plates
Year: 2015
Colour: Chrome
Material: Plastic
Manufacturer: Panton World
Country: Switzerland
Remarks: Two later chromed Pantonaef plates by Panton World made as a test to see the structure.
Provinance: Panton World