A new Pantop lamp in the largest size (45 cm) just arrived to the collection. Haven’t seen this color before. It cames from a lady at the island Fyn very near where Verner Panton’s father’s restaurant Kom-Igen was located in the 50:ies. She earlier had several of these and by a coincidence I just bought […]
#vernerpanton #panton #pantonworld
Thank you so much Mats Linder for your nice surprice! This is a mega rare Plus Linje catalogue from the early 60:ies showing Verner Panton’s first designs in furniture and carpets. There is also another catalogue from Frederik Fiedler, also called “2F” but I show you that in the next post.
Some pieces up in the new pink bedroom.
For you who know Panton’s design, I don’t need to say much more…
Thank you Dr Falten Lege-Haken for this nice christmas present! This sub brand “S-Collection” was created by Mira-X in the mid 80:ies. Several designers worked under this name but it wasn’t that big success so it was kind of short lived. This is Verner Panton’s design under this brand and he called this collection “Trevira” […]
All rooms in our house are colored in some way and up until now we have used white switches and electrical plugs. Now we changed to a more homogen matte silver finish wich looks much better. We also managed to get up the Spy lamp as a ceiling lamp after beeing in a box for […]