Today I can show you a piece of art here at PANTONWORLD.

This is VERNER PANTONS own original drawing from 1974 for one of his UFO LAMP prototypes.

It is in scale 1:1 compared to the lamp and I will soon get the drawing totally flat and placed into a frame.

(Sorry for the poor picture, it was not easy to take a picture where you see the overwiev very clear).


The strange thing is the name of the lamp..!

Verner called it RINGLAMPE, which is another lamp already designed at that time. I donĀ“t understand why he chosed that name again.


I placed my MIRA-X brush together with the drawing. It was used for wiping away the rubber rests from when drawings were made.

Pieces like this is not easy to find so I am very happy to have them in the collection.

Hopefully, I can show you the actual UFO LAMP here one day too…


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