A friend just picked up these four Pan-Top lamps from 1980.

The thing that makes these lamps very special are the colours. It also tells where they have been. There were no serial produced yellow or pink lamps like this. The only place that had these special coloured lamps was the Circus building in Copenhagen.

These four lamps comes from a danish lady that bought a cabin from a retired electrician at the Tivoli in Copenhagen. She had the lamps with the cabin. The cords are later replaced.

The lamps has stickers from Intertec Trading A/S. Their headoffice are located in Zug, Switzerland.

The Tivoli and the Circus building had a close co-operation so the electrician probably worked at the Circus building as well. 

I look forward to see these lamps live.

Below you see the same coloured lamps inside the Cirkus Building 1980. There was these wall mounted models as well as hanging lamps.